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Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Permanent healing is possible for sufferers of conditions such as tendinopathies, sciatica, osteoarthritis pain, lower back and neck pain, injuries caused by whiplash, degenerative disc disease, knee meniscal tears, TMJ (temporamandibular joint dysfunction) carpal tunnel syndrome, and more, using a natural and non-surgical technique involving injections of the body's own platelets.


This therapy, called Platelet-Rich Plasma, Therapy or PRP, not only decreases a patient's pain, but also heals and regenerates his or her damaged body tissue in joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles and menisci. These all can be repaired with PRP.


Joint replacements might just become a distant medical memory!


A number of studies have shown PRP to be beneficial when treating body conditions such as plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff tears and sports injuries that cause muscle swelling, pain, patellar tendonitis, sprains, etc. PRP typically permits the functional activities to resume in half the time they might otherwise take. PRP treatment rapidly eliminates any inflammation that might be present.


Treatment consists of drawing the patient's own blood, and spinning it in a centrifuge in order to collect from it its own platelets and plasma. The platelets are then combined with a portion of the plasma and this mixture is injected into the damaged area.


The effect is to concentrate the patient's platelets to a level up to 10 times that naturally found in his or her blood. The platelet rich plasma produces a number of growth factors ... TGF-b, bFGF, PDFa-b, EFG, VEGF and CTGF. Together, these growth factors work to reconstruct the injured area and to relieve pain. PRP Therapy typically takes approximately one hour.


Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy works by mimicking the normal process of healing that occurs after a person sustains an injury. At times, the body fails to "see" injuries requiring repair, but the concentration of platelet rich plasma jump starts the body's natural repair process.


PRP works by delivering directly to the site of injury the white blood cells, platelets and other components necessary for healing and restoration. Growth factors derived from platelets encourages DNA synthesis, stimulates the growth of new cells and increases collagen deposits. It is one of the alternative medicine field's most promising treatments for injuries to the human body.


PRP is useful for treating many painful conditions including:


  • Whiplash injuries

  • Low back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Migraine headaches

  • Sciatica

  • Pain related to osteoarthritis

  • Degenerative disc disease

  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ Disorder)

  • Knee arthritis and meniscal injury

  • Carpel tunnel syndrome

  • Tendonopathy, tendonosis

  • Joint capsular laxity

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